Why getting good at Internet Marketing is great for your wealth (if you didn’t already know)…

I used to be a bit skeptical of Internet Marketing. Well not that much, but just when it came to comparing it with learning a “real (traditional) business skill” or trait. 

Then recently as I was practicing my thought validation exercises where rather than resist a thought that causes a bit of unease, I spend time with it to acknowledge it (amazing technique by the way), a better thought came to me. I realized that getting good at Internet Marketing was one of the most important skills for wealth that anyone can learn.

Believe me, I am quite aware that many people reading this have already figured this out. To me it’s a very freeing recent realization. See, the realization is that getting good at Internet Marketing will allow me to explore all of my non-Internet Marketing interests successfully. 

So, the reason getting good at Internet Marketing is great for your wealth is that Internet Marketing allows you to monetize (if you want) all of your interests in one lifetime!

Effective Internet Marketing is all about niches and all interests are niches! Sweet.


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