Let us examine some cultural myths.

Cultural Myth #1: High returns are rare and hard to come by. Truth: High returns are available to everyone, all the time. You don’t have to settle for an 8% return commonly offered to the masses. You can get a 20%, 200% or even 2000% return on your money.

Cultural Myth #2: High returns are always accompanied by high risks. Truth: Money management practices and systemized, 0rganized investing makes high-return investing a low-risk venture, as you will see below.

Cultural Myth #3: Investing is risky. Truth: Gambling and speculation is risky. But investing is less risky than, for example, buying a car (where you are guaranteed to lose value over time), and it is certainly safer than not investing at all (where you are guaranteed not to grow wealth). 

Investing is a relatively safe affair, and it is the only way available for most people to become wealthy. It offers a safe and powerful chance to create and increase your wealth. How good is that? 

There are many, many regular people like you and I who have used simple, sound investment principles to make fortunes from high-return investments. For example, Ed Seykota of whom Futures Magazine says, “Mr. Seykota himself has put together a money management track record with returns of roughly +60% net of fees over the three-decade span of his trading career.” He used techniques you too can apply. 

Or Richard Dennis, who is well known for having turned $400 into $200 million in 18 years using simple trading rules that anyone can understand. These things are possible for you today.

Cultural Myth #4: Investing is hard. Truth: Investing is easier to learn than much of the stuff you learnt in high school or college. It looks hard because anything new and un-understood always looks hard. Once you start to learn it, you will see that it is far simpler than you ever imagined. The difficulty only exists in your imagination. Trust me on this. Prove it to yourself instead of relying on hearsay and assumptions.

We will be looking at a few new concepts here. In truth, they are not new, but for the masses they are new. Many of these things have been around for very many decades, some for at least a century, but they have been the exclusive tools and knowledge of the few, the few that get to be very wealthy. The general public is not informed about these things. 

Why? Because there is no agenda in the education system, media or financial circles for that. In other words, unless you make the effort yourself to go find out about these things, the government, education system or big business doesn’t have the motive to come out and tell you about them. 

It is not a conspiracy to hide these things from you, really, at least not an organized one; it is just that there is no agenda or motive to tell you about them. So, you might say, “How come I haven’t heard about these things before. There must be something wrong with these things.” There is nothing wrong  with them, or even difficult. 

There are very, very many things in this world that we each haven’t heard about. All sorts of things in all sorts of topics. This may be just one of them.

First, realize that if you invest any money, doesn’t matter how little, in a high-return investment (high compound interest rate), it is mathematically guaranteed to grow exponentially in leaps and bounds and end up in the millions of dollars. That is the certain power of compound interest (what Albert Einstein called the 8th wonder of the world and the most significant mathematical discovery). So how do you get high returns? 

You get them by using highly leveraged investment instruments. Of course, you do have to have a sound money management plan to take the risk down, but once you have that in place, these investments become less risky than buying a car (which you have done before). The leverage is the key. 

There are many investment instruments that can give you high leverage, such as contracts for difference (CFDs), futures, options and real estate. In this article, let us look at an example of a CFD transaction (for a detailed explanation of what a CFD is, see the book “This Book Will Finally And Certainly Get You Rich No Matter Who Or Where You Are, Now, Guaranteed” which you can access by clicking here.

This is how CFDs work: Instead of actually buying the shares outright through the stock exchange, for example, you would buy share CFDs from a CFD provider. Your CFD provider (much like a stockbroker but not really) is the one who technically owns the shares. You simply enter into a contract with your CFD provider. 

You never own the shares themselves, but you get to keep the difference in price. What differences? Well, if a share of XYZ was trading at $10 when you opened your CFD position in it, if the price goes up to $12, your provider gives you 12 – 10 = $2 (the difference). 

If it falls to $7.50, you give your CFD provider 10 – 7.50 = $2.50. Everyday, your account is adjusted in this way. Every single day. Then, when you close your position, you keep whatever money is in your account. See, it is quite simple, isn’t it? 

Your CFD provider is the one who owns the stocks (plus voting rights, stock splits, etc); you simply get the differences in prices, up or down, until you exit the position. Oh, you also get any dividends given on the shares during the time that you are in the position.

One great advantage of trading in CFDs is the leverage you get. CFDs are traded on margin. You only need to put up 1% to 10%, sometimes more, (depending on the market you are trading and who your CFD provider is) of the value of the underlying security to  control it and get all of its profits (and losses). And that means what to you? You magnify and multiply your returns greatly! 

Here is the example trade. Here, we are comparing a trade based on purchasing 2,000 Telstra shares versus purchasing CFDs to control 2,000 Telstra shares.

Purchasing shares outright:

Amount of Shares – 2,000

Buy Price – $4.60

Cash Required – $9,200

Sell Price – $5.00

Total Commission Charges – $100

GST (10%) – $10

Net Profit – $690

Return On Investment (690 / 9,200 x 100) = 7%

And now, the same trade using CFDs:

Amount of CFDs – 2,000

Buy Price – $4.60

Cash Required (5%) – $460

Sell Price – $5.00

Total Commission Charges – $20

GST – None

Net Profit – $780

Return On Investment  (780 / 460 x 100) = 170%

As you can see, because of the leverage, you get two major advantages when using CFDs instead of purchasing shares outright:

  1. Your return on investment is multiplied. Instead of getting a

7% return in this example, you would get a 170% return in the exact same trade!

  1. Your capital is freed up and this gives you two bonus effects. First, you would only need to put up, in this example, $460 instead of $9,200, so you have less of your money at risk or tied up. Secondly, assuming you did in fact have $9,200 to trade with, instead of blowing it all in one outright share purchase, you could have controlled multiples of CFDs with that money, approximately 20 times more ($9,200/$460 = 20). Your $9,200 could have been used to buy CFDs controlling almost 40,000 Telstra shares. 

So, using CFDs, you could have used your $9,200 to make about $15,000 instead of just $690 with an outright share purchase as shown above! Do you see the power of leverage? 

Another advantage with using CFDs is that you can easily profit from down trends and make money when the share price is falling. It is far easier and less risky to do this with CFDs than with shares. This is because with CFDs there is no physical transaction that is taking place (no shares actually exchange hands) and so many of the natural restrictions you would find in the share markets do not apply. 

To go short, you simply open a CFD position by selling the CFDs (instead of buying them) and close it when the price has gone down far enough. Once you close it, you get the difference in price between when you opened the position with a sale of CFDs and when you closed the position. 

Another attractive advantage of CFDs is that many providers don’t have a minimum amount of money required to open an account and no minimum size requirements for a transaction (which means you can by a CFD for just one share, unless the provider has a minimum dollar amount per trade). 

CFDs also have some of the simplest stop-loss implementations. Your CFD provider can guarantee that your position will be closed automatically at any predetermined price level you choose (which would, for example, guarantee that you would not lose out even if the share prices fell sharply and suddenly when you were asleep).

This is just one example of how you can get high returns easily and simply. There are many more. The investments commonly advertised to the masses often have the lowest returns on the planet. Why? Because they are products created by financial institutions for their own profit. 

The institution (say, your bank) will create a low-return investment product, promote it as the best investment there is, sell it to you, take your money, invest your money in truly high-return investments that they won’t tell you about, make massive profits, and use a fraction of those profits to pay you a paltry return. 

Ask yourself, do banks and financial institutions make phenomenal profits? Yes! Do you make phenomenal profits from them when you invest in their investment products? No. 

Why? You, too, can play the other game. It is easy once you take the time to look at it instead of living on assumptions and hearsay (myths). 


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